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      Wetsuits | Men's | Women's | Kids

      We have a huge selection of winter and summer Wetsuits and accessories. From top brands including Mystic, O'Neill, Dakine and Ride Engine.

      Our winter selection is spoilt for choice with front zips like the O'Neill Psycho and Mystic Majestic. Both in 5/4mm packed full of features and providing maximum mobility. For ease of entry back zips are the goto Wetsuit but still do not perform as well as the Front Zip Wetsuits

      The summer collection is better than ever! We stock some 3-season Wetsuits from O’Neill like the Hyperfreak Range and the Mystic marshall 4/3mm. For the women, we have new this year and very popular the Mystic Diva wetsuit range and O’Neill Bahia with their awesome colourways and packed full of features you can't help but look good while you're riding!   

      Take a look at our full range and remember we PRICE MATCH

      If you have any more questions on the huge selection we have in stock give us a call on 01202 738448


      What thickness of wetsuit do I need, and how does it vary for different water temperatures?

      Wetsuit thickness varies based on water temperature. For warmer conditions, a thinner wetsuit (2mm to 3/2mm) is suitable, while colder waters may require thicker suits (4/3mm or more) for better insulation.

      How do I properly care for and maintain my wetsuit?

      Rinse your wetsuit with fresh water after each use to remove salt and sand. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for extended periods, and store it on a wide hanger to maintain its shape. Regularly check for tears or worn seams and patch them promptly.

      What different types of wetsuits are there? 

      Surfing wetsuits prioritize flexibility and insulation to handle varying water temperatures during wave riding. Swimming suits are typically lightweight and streamlined for minimal drag and unrestricted movement.  In contrast, drysuits offer complete waterproofing, ideal for diving in colder environments where maintaining body warmth is crucial. 

      How should a wetsuit fit, and what do the different sizes mean?

      A proper wetsuit fit is snug but not overly tight. Refer to the manufacturer's size chart, considering your height, weight, chest, waist, and hip measurements. Sizes typically range from XS to XXL, but each brand may have slight variations, so always check the specific size chart for the wetsuit you're interested in.