For more than 19 years Bataleon has led the industry in 3D shape technology. They've perfected their patented Triple Base Technology™, producing boards with traditional camber and lifted contact points, making snowboarding more enjoyable for all.

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Triple Base Technology-
Whether man-made or natural, the most successful designs work in harmony with the forces they are subjected to. What happens when a snowboard is put under pressure ? When you jam it into a powder bank or drive it through a transition?
The answer is that it adapts its shape to the terrain. Triple Base Technology™ embraces this reality, creating a more efficient shape from the get-go. Just as the curved hull of a boat ploughs through the waves, or the wings of a plane are designed to slice through the air,
3BT™, a perfect design for the mountain environment.
The Bataleon Shape-
They divide the nose and tail area of the board in 3 sections, creating a 3D shape. All their boards feature positive camber from tip to tail, combined with lifted contact points at the widest areas. This reduces the chance of edge catches while keeping the board feeling super lively.
A board shape with Triple Base Technology is more versatile. It will float better, go faster from edge to edge, feel narrower and rides more forgiving than traditionally shaped boards. Because we keep full tip to tail positive camber there are no downsides to this 3D shaping method.
AirRide Technology further elevates the experience by embedding dampening materials into the core, drastically reducing vibrations and chatter, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and stable ride, even at high speeds and in rough conditions
SideKick™ builds on the concept of Triple Base by increasing the sidebase uplift just outside the widest points of the nose and tail. The tips become more like a hull, boosting float in deep snow and slicing through crud. It also helps the board to roll quickly and evenly from edge to edge.
At the heart of every Bataleon is a combination of 3BT™ and positive camber. It’s an innovative solution to the profile puzzle that minimizes the potential for edge-catch without sacrificing ollie power or carving performance. From this starting point, we fine-tune each element according to the board’s desired riding style.

Triple Base Technology™ is not one shape but a design philosophy. The precise areas in which we apply a three-dimensional profile, the amount of uplift and the width of the centerbase varies on each model depending on the kind of terrain it needs to excel in.
Flat Base Riding-
The widest section of the board is lifted off the snow while riding flat based. This allows you to ride straight without hooking up or needing to keep your edges engaged.
Turn Initiation-
When set on a slight angle, the sidebase starts to engage near the bindings. Unlike traditional flat boards, pressure remains constant along the contact edge.
When you think about it, 3D shaping makes perfect sense. Surfer shapers have been doing it for ever, right? The truth is, Triple Base Technology™ makes every kind of snowboarding more fun.
Bomb Hills Faster:
Edges create friction, retain heat and don’t hold wax – all of which slow you down. 3BT™ boards accelerate faster and maintain speed when pointed straight because less of the edges are in contact with the snow, reducing drag. This helps you coast along cat tracks faster, clear jumps and pass skiers on powder days.
Catch Less Edge:
The raised edges at the contact points mean there’s less chance of hooking up. Pressure is also dispersed more evenly along the edge, allowing for smoother, more controlled turns. When it comes to freestyle, 3BT™ is more forgiving for butters and more lenient on less-than-perfect landings.
Freaky Float:
The hull-like shape of our nose and tail offers natural float – just like a boat or a progressive surfboard. In deep snow, the front of the board rises to the surface and plows through everything in its path, enabling epic powder days without the back leg burn. Works great in slush, too.
Lightning Edges:
When the board is placed on its edge, the uplifted sections help it form a more cohesive arc against the snow. This creates a platform for smooth, powerful turns. As you switch edges, the same uplift lets you roll fluidly across the base and makes wider boards feel as agile as regular widths.
One Board Quiver:
Triple Base Technology™ gives every board in the range all-mountain credentials. For instance, our jib boards still float well in pow thanks to the 3D nose and tail. Likewise, uplifted edges mean even freeride-focused models are easy to butter.
Power Pop:
Our 3D tips boost the ollie power of positive camber. When the tail (or nose) is flexed, more of the energy is directed through the centre of the base, amplifying pop.
Kink Ladders allow you to change the feel of your binding by choosing a low or a high connection point for your ankle strap. The low position makes your binding more tweak-able, the high position offers a more locked-in, support and response.
Fast EntryPop Ladders:
FastEntry Ladders are designed for easy binding entry and exit. The strap’s concave shape is designed to pop open when released. FastEntry ensures that you won’t be fighting to get in and out of your bindings giving you more time to ride.
Auxetic Shape Technology uses hinged patterns that expand perfectly around your boot without stretching or distorting the material eliminating pressure points, providing next level support and comfort.
A space-age E-TPU foam that provides next-level chatter and impact absorption no matter the conditions.
Never Miss a Day!
We never want you to miss a day of riding. If you ride hard there is always a chance that something wears out or breaks down. In case that happens, we got you covered. In the binding box you find the Never Miss a Day backup parts kit with extra ladders, screws, washers so you can keep riding while you get replacements sorted out.