So each day we get more news and now we have some info that World Champion Youri Zoon has been disqualified for coming in contact with another rider in his PKRA heat.
We have put the video below as lots of you were asking to see it. now we understand everyone has there opioun on this but really could Youri have avoded such a crash? We do not think so have a look for your self we would love to know what you think.
Youri is a great� athlete� and also an all round great guy, We had the pleasure of his company last Summer at the Surface 2 Air Summer party and demo weekend.
This is what Youri says about the� indent:
“SO here is the DSQ from my side!
We would love to see Youri take the PKRA crown again this year.
good luck Youri.
What does Youri Zoon ride?
Kite: Best GP Kitesurf Kite
Kiteboard: Brunotti Youri Zoon Pro Model
The Brunotti Kiteboards are in stock at Surface2Air Sports
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