This year it feels like we have been cheated out of having a summer, but as autumn is approaching it has been reported that we are expecting to have high temperatures and sunshine throughout September. This means that we don’t need to shuffle our summer clothes to the back of the wardrobe…just yet.
Embrace what is left of the British weather and go out and enjoy yourself in style. At S2AS we have an excellent range of Oakley sunglasses that will shade your eyes away from the glare of the sun.
One of our newest products in our Oakley sunglasses range is the Oakley Eyepatch 2, the frame on these glasses come with a ‘high impact’ rating, something that you won’t find on everyday frames. The term ‘high impact’ also describes the impression that these glasses will leave, as people will be dying to know where you got your uniquely sculptured glasses from. Both lenses are cut from a single curved surface, similar to a sports shield, and then fitted in the frame to retain the original contour.
For only £94.99 you can expect the performance of these sunglasses to be just as aggressive as the styling.
Also in the collection is the Oakley Ducati Fuel Cell sunglasses, you can expect originality and a smooth look all in one product. These glasses are lightweight, and they come with a 3-point comfort fit O-Matter frame from the company that continues to bring you authentic styles to fuel your need to wear them day after day. The fitted warm grey lenses are designed to work best in extremely bright light, but don’t be put off by the tint of these glasses as the colour of the lenses offers a true colour perception.
Oakley eyewear has always been a favourite among Ducati racers and Oakley engineers have always respected the genius of Ducati design. The Ducati Signature series is a collection of select Oakley sunglass styles that carry the logo and colours of Ducati. For £134.99 you too can carry the signature of Ducati in style.
When you order online from us you can expect to receive your order within 2 to 4 days so you won’t be waiting long. To check out the full range of Oakley sunglasses visit the S2AS website or call us on 01202 738 448.

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