It’s finally that time of the season, Winter! We’ve completely re-modelled the shop this year, to bring you a pleasing and enjoyable experience when you visit us. Take a look below at some of the photo’s we’ve taken for this year!
As always, we’ve got loads of optics in stock for you to choose from. This year, we’re focusing on the Prizm Technology from Oakley. Prizm is a brand new concept, aimed to filter out all of the unwanted and harsh light from hitting your eye, and give you a boosted and more comfortable viewing experience. The way it works is that the lens chosen will be more absorptive to a certain colour or colours, filtering out the ones you don’t need. In the case of Snow, the primary colours your eye looks for are Yellow and Blue. With this information, Oakley are able to create a lens that gives you a deepened sense of contrast, enhancing your view, and letting you see clearer. One other feature they found is that coming out of a dark environment into a lighter one is much less harsh with the Prizm lens than without. Keen to check out more? Have a look at our selection of goggles featuring Prizm lenses here!
Feeling a new helmet this season? Look no further. The Oakley Mod Series of helmets are some of the most protective, and innovative, on the market. These beauties are designed with safety in mind, not just fashion. Designed to work seamlessly with the Oakley range of Goggles, the Mod Series breaches the issue of the ‘Punter Gap’. This gap is created when the helmet doesn’t line up with the goggle, creating a gap in-between your helmet and the goggle itself. The way this works is simple; Oakley supply you with two different brims to fit the helmet, one larger and one smaller, for the different shape of their goggles. Once attached, the fit between the two items almost looks as if it’s been stitched together in Photoshop! This isn’t just about breaching the gap though, there are also several benefits to not having this gap. One of those being that there is a constant stream of air through the goggle, meaning that it’s pretty much impossible for the goggle to steam up. The ABS construction of the helmet means that the helmet is tough enough to withstand hard impacts, and is actually reinforced in the key areas where you need it most. With no pressure earcups, a lightweight construction, and a neat Fidlock Buckle, the Mod Series of Helmets are bound to make everyone jealous on the mountain!
ThirtyTwo Snowboard Boots� are our choice for 2018, and it’s easy to see why. These Snowboarding Boots feature some of the most premium, high-end materials available, with the longest-lasting performance and fit! Originally founded in 1996, ThirtyTwo Boots quickly became the staple for Snowboarding Boots, offering some of the best fitting boots available. They use technology such as their Elite Footbed and 3D Moulded-Tongues to enable you to perfect that fit on your boot, and keep shredding for seasons to come!� ThirtyTwo’s� TM-3� is the highest end boot, featuring both of the mentioned technologies and more. With some awesome colourways, and a� Scott Stevens Pro Model, all Whiteout Boot, be sure to check them out!
Click to view slideshow.As always, we’ve also got loads of Snowboard Bindings to match your new boots or board. From Union all the way through to Switchback, we’ve got you covered! As it goes, Union make some of the best bindings available, and with the new addition of the Falcor Bindings courtesy of team rider Travis Rice. These medium stiffness bindings fit exactly to Travis’ needs, giving him flex in the highback when he needs it, yet still leaving room for the medial-lateral rotations that he’s well known for! Moving into Switchback, who make the fully tool-less bindings that are a dream to work with. These bindings can be interchanged and modified on the fly, which is an awesome advantage if you’re riding loads of different conditions. Parts such as Highbacks, straps, and even ratchets, can all be purchased through us, and are compatible with any Switchback Bindings!
As well as all the Snow Equipment, we also still have our full range of Kiteboards, Wakeboards, and Kitesurfing Kites in stock. Whether you’re looking for a freeride board like the 2017 Xenon Laluz, or you’re riding boots and are after a Wakestyle board like the 2017 Tona Pop, we’ve got something to suit your needs! Be sure to check out our website for more info, or if you ever need any advice, give us a call on 01202 738448, we’d be more than happy to help!

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