On the subject of lockdown, I hope you are not chewing the plaster off the walls just yet, and if you are in need of learning something for the day they open the gates and let us all out, then this is that opportunity. Mr Shinn has been very busy over the winter.
Below you can find all details of Shinn’s latest 2020 product launch and the corresponding UK pricing. We hope to have stock of the new equipment this week.�� and Surface2Air Sports website has been updated today with all the latest products, and you can see all the new 2020 range intro teaser Below:
Shinn Monk Glitch� – £579
The is the first major update to the MONK and� not just an incremental annual change. Shinn wanted to continue the features the Monk has been so popular for (comfort, chop handling and massive FUN factor) but utilise some new concepts and technology to improve on other areas. It’s hard to see in the pictures, but the multi-channelled base through the centre really improves grip and smoothness through chop but leaves the tips free to flex to retain the comfy and fun rider that Monk riders love. If Shinn were not� 100% convinced it was better not have made such a significant change, finally, all you Monk riders out there have a reason to upgrade!
Shinn Slicer – £949
All new form Shinn and a different concept on� Splitboards, the Slicer has been a long time in development. Utilising a completely separate connector (rather than trying to make the connector as part of the board itself) has allowed Shinn to make the boards more accurately and, equally as important will enable us to do it repeatedly. S2AS will be sending out a full tech sheet, launching a technical video for this board in 2 weeks.
Shinn ADHD Distortion – £609
With an entirely new concept and mould the Shinn ADHD is no longer the bigger relative of Ronson. Not just a technology change but also the philosophy has been modified as Shinn look to bring its performance into� big air� too (KOTA style). Many riders are scared of wake style boards, but this model now has� market relevance� for a far wider audience, so it should gain a lot more traction with kitesurfers looking for big air.
Shinn Jackson 112 and Jackson pads – £575
The popular 128 and 140 Jackson Sunburners remain in the range for 2020 but are added to by a� new 112 size. A fantastic size for intermediate and upwards riders, easy for travel and super fun to ride. Shinn held off making such a small foil board in previous years as they didn’t feel the average rider was ready for it but with foils having improved Shinn think this is now a very suitable size for the market. After many, many requests and starting in a few weeks Jacksons will ship with� FLAT� footpads� – no more edge kickers.
Shinn Superking 146 – £589

Back by popular demand this Superking 146 is, in fact, the� incredibly popular� King Gee 146 from 2 years ago. An excellent size for� Light winds� for smaller riders and women or heavier riders in all-round conditions.
Shinn Pinbot RED TT1600 – £435

The Pinbot Red TT1600 is an� entry-level price Kiteboard, and a market segment Shinn has not been present in till now. Sharing the same construction as the standard Pinbot but with a more entry-level friendly flatter rocker, longer lengths and with a much more durable (non-gloss) finish. An excellent option for entry-level riders.� The most aggressively priced Shinn ever.� The regular Pinbot is the same board with a new colourway.
Shinn Sneaker HMT – £159

Replacing the Sneaker SRS is our new Sneaker HMT. This retains all the benefits of a layered EVA pad� (better feel, better support and better durability)� and combines it with the adjustability of an� injected moulded base. Definitely a big step up in comfort and grip without a big step up in price!

For 2020 Shinn have simplified the foil range and added the long-awaited� carbon masts.
The very popular (but very late) K2 foil is in stock already. This foil started to develop an almost cult-like following last season.
The Mega K has been upgraded with a new carbon stabiliser. This stabiliser follows what Shinn learnt from the K2 and makes the foil very, very pitch stable indeed and allows higher speeds without an increase in control issues. It also makes the foil� probably the best turning foil� on the market right now. If you’re a rider where carving, transitions, waves or strapless riding are critical this is Shinn’s most advised foil for these styles of riding.
The long-awaited� CARBON MASTS� are also here. Not before time. The news is good. Anyone can make a black mast – it’s the structural performance in twist, torsion and weight that matter and Mr Shinn refused to compromise, as so he should. Despite a lot of work they were unable to make them compatible with the fuselage from the Aluminium masts as there were simply too many compromises to performance and strength. With this in mind, Shinn will offer an� “upgrade package”� which includes carbon mast, mast cover and new fuselage. S2AS will make this package heavily discounted to encourage our customers to upgrade their existing foils. Carbon complete foil packages are available as K2 or MEGA K� carbon wings� and mast.
People often ask me if it makes sense to have a carbon foil mast and my answer is unless you want to spend the money don’t test one –� once you try one you will never go back!
So there you have it, the foundations for the Shinn brand in 2020. Stock due in a week and despite the lockdown we already have some pre-orders. Once life returns to the beach, we hope to do well with them as everyone quenches their current dry spell. For now, we will be producing a constant stream of media for the next best activity to kitesurfing – reading about kitesurfing on the net! Haha.
S2AS Team
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